I have some great readers!!!
I love you guys.
I'm glad you decided to take the time to read about my little space in the world.
Two of those wonderful readers gave my little blog an award. Thank you ladies!
Tesa of
2 Wired 2 Tired and Crystal of
Crystal's Craft Spot have both given me the beautiful blogger award. Thank you so much Tesa and Crystal!
There are rules with accepting this award.
The Rules:
1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award and insert a link to their blog.
2. Pass on the award to about 15 other bloggers who you recently discovered and think are great!
3. Contact the other bloggers and let them know they have been chosen for this award.
4. Say 7 things about yourself.
To start out, here are things about me:
1. I love reality TV - American Idol, So you think you can Dance, Survivor
2. My new hobby is couponing. I just started in December when I discovered a great couponing blog (see list below). I spend a couple of hours a week printing and clipping coupons and from that effort, I have been able to cut out over $100 a month in our grocery bill. I'm pretty proud of myself over that.
3. Scrapbooking is my old hobby. I still love it, but don't find myself doing it as much as I used to. When I do decide to work out on, I usually do digital scrapbooking.
4. I'm allergic to chocolate (and oranges, cauliflower, mustard and watermelon). I know, I'm weird.
5. I hate to have the bottoms of my feet touched!
6. I love musicals and any movies with dancing, even if it doesn't have singing.
(Wow, it's hard to come up with 7 new and interesting things about myself.)
7. I love to play Trivial Pursuit, but can never find anyone who will play it with me :(.
Now, to pick 13 blogs (I decided to do 13 instead of 15. Rules are meant to be broken, right?):
1. My Aussie Blogger Friend -
5 Minutes Just for Me
2. My nutty Blogger Friend -
A Nut in a Nutshell
3. My FAVORITE couponing blog -
Hip 2 Save
4. A wonderful Christian Mommy blog -
It's Almost Naptime
5. A blog that cracks me up -
Nanny Goat in Panties
6. Great craft ideas -
Somewhat Simple
7. An amazing Story -
The Journey
8. My favorite hairstyle blog -
A Princess and her Hair
9. For home improvement ideas -
Thrifty Decor Chick
10. Life with Triplets -
Triplets, Who Knew?
11. Awesome family blog -
We are THAT family
12. Saving Tips -
We, the Savers
13. Craft ideas and mommy humor -
Controlling my Chaos
Go check 'em out and give 'em some bloggy love.