Tuesday, October 19, 2010

aMAZEing Field Trip

I love Kindergarten field trips.  They go on lots of them and the kids are all so excited.  I got to go with David last week to a local farm and corn maze.  He was so excited all week and asked every day "Is it Thursday yet?"  When Thursday arrived, he was bouncing off the wall waiting to go to school.  The trip didn't disappoint.

First stop - talking to Fenderella, the big, plastic talking cow that told the kids all about farm life.

Then it was a hay-less hay ride to the petting zoo, where goats were everywhere...and so were children.

(See the three little piggies houses?  Unfortunately the farm only had two little piggies, so I answered LOTS of questions about that.)

Then onto a kid-sized chain-linked maze.  They loved it and we could see them the whole way to make sure no one was lost.
Then came the highlight of David's day - picking stuff.  He got to go to the pumpkin patch and pick his very favorite pumpkin, then decorate it.  Then he got to pick an ear of popcorn.  Finally they each got a gourd.  He was so proud of each of those.

Off to the actual corn maze.  Because these are 5-year olds and we didn't want to spend all day there, they led us through the maze.  Even so, the kids thought they would "NEVER" get out of there.

 Notice the sky - dark and overcast all morning.  Thankfully it wasn't actively raining while we were there.

Each child got a chance to ride the cow-train pulled by a four-wheeler.

Last was lunch, then 45 minutes on the playground.  Wear those kids out before you send 'em home to their mommas.  Seriously, though, they loved this part.  David did fall asleep on the bus back to school :).

It was an enjoyable day and I love spending time with David and getting to know his friends and their parents.  Can't wait for the next one.


  1. Cathy, isn't a hayless hay ride just a wagon ride?

  2. Yup, pretty much. In years past, they had hay, but no hay this year.

  3. What, you didn't take notes on the maze for next year when we have to do it by ourselves?
