Saturday, September 15, 2012

Stay in the car week

I have truly had a "stay in the car mom" week. Tim was in California all week for work. It's hard when we're separated by 3000 miles and a 3 hour time difference.  On top of that it was the busiest week we've had since school started.  It looked something like this:

  • Monday - Take kids to school, go get David an hour later to get his tubes taken out of his ears, take him to lunch at Chick-fil-a because he missed his lunch at school, come home for 2 hours, go pick up kids from school, piano lessons til 4:15, home for 1.5 hours during which we did homework and ate dinner, then take Julie (and an unwilling David) to swim practice, then home for showers and bed.
And that was just day 1. Shew!

The rest of the week the details were different but the crazy schedule was the same.

Thankfully Tim is home now and we have absolutely no weekend plans, so we can relax and recover from life.

I feel for single moms out there. After just 5 days of  being a single mom, I'm exhausted.

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