Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Conversations with a 4-yr old

Setting - in the car on the way home from preschool.

David:  Mommy, I just love Leah.  She's my best friend.  I'm going to marry her.
Me:  OK
David:  (with a disgusted look on his face) Mommy, if I marry I have to kiss her?
Me:  (holding in the laughter)  Yeah, usually married people kiss each other.
David:  (looking thoroughly grossed out)  Yuck!  I don't want to kiss Leah.  Kissing's yucky.
Me:  (outright laughing now)  What about kissing Mommy?
David:  (Looking like I do when I'm gently revealing a new truth to him)  Mommy, even you're yucky.

Ah, gotta love the girls-are-yucky stage.  I'll pull this post back out in about 10 years.........


  1. David's my favorite....

  2. That's so cute! This is definitely one you want to hang on to.
