Saturday, May 15, 2010


May now has a new designation in my house - it's officially the craziest, most insane month of the year.

December used to hold that honor, but when you really think about it, we're only REALLY busy for 2 weeks in December around Christmas and New Years.

But we are busy ALL THE TIME in May - May 1 until May 31.

So to May I say "may you finish soon."

In light of our crazy, busy month, I won't make any promises about being able to post much, but I've been writing blog entries in my head the whole month!! :)

So maybe in June I can actually write them on here.

**On a different note:  I'm no longer the mother of a preschooler :(.  Sad as it is, David graduated from preschool this week and is a new, up-coming Kindergartner.  I've been so used to eating lunch with my little man and hanging out with him in the in the fall will take some getting used to.  But I have a whole LONG summer to spend incredible amounts of time with my kids and become very ready for them to go somewhere else (anywhere else at that point) like school.**

**Laura picked the best hairdo name.  So we now christen that style "Criss-cross Applesauce."  Thanks, Laura!  ("Erika couldn't do this to save her life" was a close second :).**


  1. YEA! I won!!! What's my prize?

  2. May has been super busy for us too.

    Love the hairdo name. Too cute.
