Well, my original plan was to get this post up on Friday night before all the McLinky parties ended, but guess what...it snowed.
Now for some of you out in blog land that's no big deal, but down here in 'ole Tennessee, that's a big deal. It snowed about 6 inches - more snow than we've had in 13 years.
Once again, I know you are asking, what does that have to do with me writing a new post? Well, with all that snow, we lost power at 6:30 Friday night...and we still don't have power as of noon on Sunday! Luckily, I have great parents close-by with a nice warm house that we can stay at. So, they have been hosting us for 2 days now. My fingers are crossed that our power will come back on before Christmas.
Back to the original reason for the new post - our Christmas decorations. Now, I've seen several of you out in blog land that claim to just decorate "a little" for Christmas, but really go all out (in my opinion). It looks awesome!! Don't get me wrong. But I REALLY do just decorate a little. I usually add a little more each year, so one day I'll get to the whole house.
OK, so I do have a wreath on the door, but the day I took these pictures, it was just way too cold outside to open the door. You'll just have to imagine a cute little wreath with bells on it :).
Come on in the front door. This is what greets you.

Close-up of my bows. Come on up the stairs and see our tree. Last year I bought a stocking tree since we don't have a mantel. (David wanted to pose by his stocking.)

On the windows next to the tree I made
a wreath. I have plans to make another one for the other side, but it's not done yet. And unless I get power soon, it may not get done before Christmas.
Next turn around and look at my display on the piano (once again, because we don't have a mantle).
Our piano is 112 years old and I love it! It has candlestick holders because it was made before electricity was around. So those get decorated as well. Did I say that I really love my piano? Because I do.
Follow me in to see our cards, displayed, oh so creatively by taping them onto the doorway.
After this, the only thing left is the kid's rooms. I found little 4' trees at Hobby Lobby 2 years ago for $2.50 (yes, that's right - less than $3!)! So I bought one for each of the kid's rooms. They are allowed to decorate it any way they want.
First is Julie's room.
And now, David's tree.
Thanks for coming to visit my home. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas!!