Monday, June 14, 2010


Guess what? I'm on vacation.

Yes, I know what you are thinking - "You have been on vacation for almost a month now - no posts, no pictures, nada."

If you were thinking that, you'd be right...about being on a blogging vacation, not a real one.  Remember how crazy May was?  I thought that when school got out at the end of May, things would lighten up.  Well they did, kind of.  But then I had both kids at home with me all day long and absolutely NOTHING got done.  So I guess it takes a vacation for me to find time to blog. 

I hope to update you on all those busy events in May soon, but for now, let me tell you about what might be Julie's most favorite day of her life so far.  You see for about a year she has been begging us for something.  And for about a year I've been telling her she can get it when she's 7.  She'll be 7 on Thursday and my original plan was to get her gift next week after we get back from vacation.  But then I remembered when I was little and wanted that same gift and how hard it was to wait.  She had waited for a year, fairly patiently, so I relented and she got her gift early.

The whole family packed into the van, camera in tow and we took off to the mall.

Waiting patiently in the chair.  (We had to do a special hairstyle to keep it all up and off of her ears - hint, hint.)
Look at that excited expression!  Not a tear was shed - just smiles for the rest of the day!
There's those beautiful pink earrings on some newly pierced ears!  All day, she would see new clothes in pink and tell me that she "needed" them to go with her new earrings, since, "you know, they have to stay in there for 8 weeks."  Then I would kindly remind her that we chose pink because most of her clothes are already pink.  But I did indulge her with a new pink outfit yesterday at the mall on the way to the beach.  So now, she can really match her earrings!

So I'm curious.  How old were you when you got your ears pierced?  I was 11.  My parents wouldn't let my older sister pierce her ears until she was 11 and, of course, to be fair, I had to be the same age that she was.  If you have a daughter with pierced ears, what age did she get them pierced?


  1. She looks so grown up and so cute. What a fun birthday present.

  2. I was 12 and my mom & I got them done together!
