1) Playing piano - I started piano lessons at age 5 in Kindergarten and took lessons for the next 10 years. When I first started, my parents said I had to play for 5 years and after that I could choose to quit. If asked during those first 5 years, I would probably have said I wanted to quit. But there was something almost magical that seemed to happen that 5th year - I got good. I got good enough that it was finally fun. I could play songs that sounded like real music. Then I started playing famous pieces like Fur Elise and the Moonlight Sonata. And piano became an escape for me, a way to relieve stress.
After I grew up, my mom (who also plays) got a grand piano and passed on to me the upright piano I learned to play on. It's beautiful - a Mason & Hamlin built in 1897 and in our family since the late 40's or early 50's. My mom learned to play on it, I learned to play on it (as well as my brother and sister) and now my daughter is learning to play on it.
I don't get to play as much as I'd like these days, but I still love pulling out my favorite music and getting lost in it for 30 or 40 minutes.
2) Reading - I think ever since I was born, I've loved books. I learned to read at age 4 and ever since, have been devouring books, magazines and more recently blogs. Reading provides a source of new knowledge, an escape (hmm, is that a theme?), and a way to connect with others. Ever discuss a good book with someone? There's just that connection you get from pouring over the same words and sometimes discovering different meanings in them. In college, as an engineering major, I wasn't required to take more than freshman English, but I couldn't pass up the Intro to Fiction class. I'm not too fond of writing essays, but I've always loved reading books and discussing them.
These days, I have a pile of "to-be-read" books next to my bed - some fiction, some non-fiction. I also have a wish list full of books on Amazon to buy for my Kindle. I hope that as long as I live, I will always love to read and to learn.
What about you? What hobbies do you have that have stood the test of time in your life?

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