Christmas starts for us on Christmas Eve. We exchange gifts with Tim's extended family. We have two adorable ones on that side.
Our nephew, Chase - his first Christmas!
Our cousin, Karson - his second Christmas.
As you can see, David is very excited about his new grill
. Now he can be like Daddy.
Boy she's growing up so much. What a little lady!
Next up is Christmas at our house on Christmas morning.
It's stockings,
Our DSi's
from Santa (look he brought me one too!)
and of course, our mess!
Then onto Tim's sister's house for brunch and, what else? more presents!
Chase takes a little nap.
David is very excited about unwrapping all those gifts behind him.
A yoda alarm clock
!!! Alright!!
Silly Bands
- now she has over a 100 of them.
The long anticipated pillow pet
. She begged for one for months! And has slept with it every night since then.
Yay! More video games
Dance Central
for the Kinect! So excited about that game!
Then it was home for a nap, shower and some relaxing (between opening up new toys for the kids). Last on our agenda was going to my parents house for Christmas with my side of the family.
This is my nephew, Nathan - he's the strong silent type.
One of Julie's favorite gifts - her own sewing machine.
There's me, handing out gifts.
My neice, Kaylie, and her daddy - doing what Daddy's do, getting stuff out of packages.
David's new 3 level car garage - way cool!
My other nephew, Micah. His mommy and grandpa are having lots of fun with his new track.
We thought that was it for the night - home, bed, relaxing...then we looked ALL the snow. And we couldn't get our van out. So...we ALL spent the night at my parent's house - all 13 of us. Good thing they have a big house! It turned out to be a lot of fun. The kids had a big slumber party downstairs in the den and the parents played 8-handed pinochle. We finally got the van out on the 26th and made it home. Yay!

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