Since we are now halfway through January, it's time for a checkup (to my credit, it took about 10 days to make the goals, so it's only been 5 days since then).
I won't go through each one individually, just the ones I've worked on. And I hope to do this at the beginning of every month to keep me on track this year.
Personal Growth
- Blog - I decided to keep me motivated and always with something to write, I would come up with a blog schedule. As you have seen if you read my blog much, I am not very consistent. So I thought I'd start small with 3 scheduled days a week - all in the middle of the week. Then, if it goes well, I'll schedule the other 2 days. So here's what I've got so far.
Tues - All About Me (You may be groaning right now because, really, do you want to know ALL about me?? But, in order for me to remember what I was like at this time in my life, I thought I'd include this.)
Wed - What I'm Learning - One of my goals in blogging this year is to learn more about blogging for a business. In my mind that means reading other blogs that talk about it, learning the basics of HTML to update my blog and make it the coolest, and figuring out how to bring traffic over here. Since I'm one of those people who learns best when I write things down, I thought I'd write it down on here and share my new knowledge with you.
Thurs - Product or Book Review - I'll let you in one what I've been reading recently as well as my favorite products.
If you have any ideas about what you'd like to see on here, please feel free to let me know.
Physical Health
Exercise - It's official! I have signed my contest contract at the Art of Weightlifting. I am entered into the New Years contest. My task is to consistently workout over the next 8 weeks using only workouts from the Art of Weightlifting as well as to keep a daily food journal on my profile page on the site. I have to show improvement in my diet and that I am trying to eat healthier. Also involved are 3 update pictures - one now, one in the middle of Feb and one at the end. (By the way, you, too, can join the site for $9.95 a month and get Taylor Ryan as your online personal trainer as well - I get NO kickbacks from this. I just think it's awesome!)
Marriage and Family Life
Family - We have started nightly Bible readings with the kids. I found an online Bible Reading plan for children that sticks with age appropriate material (no Judges 19 for them) but gets them through the Bible in a year. Both of my children have the Adventure Bible
We're still working on getting our monthly date night on the calendar as well as scheduling our dates with the kids.
Growth - I had a goal to limit screen time and came up with this great idea of DSi hours. The kids could play their new DSi's every day form 4:45 - 5:30, if they have done their homework and Julie has practiced piano. It would give them an incentive to finish homework early and it would give me a chance to make dinner in peace. It was going great...for the 2 days they were in school last week. Then they were out of school for 4 days for bad weather and all that kind of flew out the window. But it's back on this week - nice weather, in school, DSi hours.
We're still coming up with ideas on teaching Julie to respect her parents more. If you have any, I'd love to hear them.
- We have gone through and made a more detailed budget for our Disney trip in May. After doing that and adding up the numbers - We already have enough saved for our whole trip!!!
- Our money per paycheck that we were saving for our Disney vacation will now start going in a Disney Cruise fund.
- We have been steadily putting money from each paycheck into our Roth IRA's. They are no where near fully funded but they are better than they were a year ago!
Well, it's not perfect yet, but we have made some progress. Look for my first All About Me post tomorrow.

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