Funny thing I've learned since being a parent. Everything is a chance to fight with your sibling.
Get a fun new toy? Yup, it's really just something new to fight with your brother over.
Like a new movie? Definitely!! Until you find out she likes it too, then you must fight to until one of you "LOVES IT MORE!"
So, here's a new one at our house. Since my recent surgery, it's been hard for me to bend down, so I asked Julie to empty the bottom of the dishwasher for me. She loved it so much (crazy, I know!) that she has asked to empty the dishwasher the last three times it ran. {How could she have been alive for almost 8 years and I never knew this!!! Oh, well, that's a different blog post.} I never knew this was cause for sibling fights until David runs into my room almost in tears.
"Mommy, please, please can I please empty the dishwasher next time. I want to do it too! It's no fair!"
Well, we can't not be fair around here, can we?
What I said was, "Certainly, honey. You can for sure empty it next time."
What I was thinking was, "Hmm, wonder what other good chores I can get them to do..."

Lol this is hilarious!!