Thursday, October 29, 2009

I won, I won!!!

Remember the giveaway that I blogged about here?

Well, Guess what??

You guessed it - I WON!!!!! (I'm sure the title of this post had nothing to do with your guess.)

So I am going to get a free blog face lift from Designer Blogs.

I get to look through some pre-made designs and pick my favorite.  I'm so excited!!!!!  Be on the lookout for my new blog look.


  1. Yeah! I just sent her payment to redo my blog! We'll be redesigned together!

  2. Hahaha. You were in front of me for SITS roll call. Happy SITS day!

  3. Congrats. I'm glad you received your gift from my give-a-way.

    I want some of your magic to rib off on me.


  4. Cool!! I can't wait to see how it turns out, yay!
