She is the woman behind the all woman's weightlifting site, The Art of Weightlifting.
And guess what? She's real!!
She's not a virtual trainer like on some Wii game and she is not a hands-off person who just posts workouts but leaves you to your own devices after that. She is flesh and blood and she is an active personal trainer who is available online daily to give advice and encouragement on exercise as well as on clean eating.
Let me tell you a little about her website.
The Art of Weightlifting is a subscription site, (because, ladies, the best things in life are worth paying for) aimed at helping women realize the need for weightlifting in their healthy lifestyle. Many women spend all their time only doing cardio to try to lose weight. They jog, run, or step like crazy without seeing the results they want.
Enter weightlifting and personal help and advice by Taylor. And your results will change.
I know I sound like an infomercial. But I'm only speaking from experience. I have never been overweight but I have had baby weight to lose. And the way I lost it was eating healthy combined with cardio AND weightlifting.
But enough about the benefits of weightlifting. Let me tell you how The Art of Weightlifting works. The site is set up with several main sections: workouts, fitness forums, clean eating help, fitness challenges, teleseminars and (my favorite part) member profiles.
Workouts - There are MANY different workouts posted on the site for people of all different skill levels. There are beginner workouts, intermediate workouts and advanced workouts. There are workouts that target your butt & thighs, your core or your arms. There are fat blasting workouts and cardio burning ones (see, she does like cardio too). Don't know where to start? Take the fitness test on the website to determine what level you need to begin on. And if you're like me, you may need to change some of the exercises in a workout because of a body part you can't bend so well (hate those big toes). Just ask Taylor and she'll customize the workout for you.
Fitness Forums - Got a workout question? Ask it in the forum. Got a food question? Ask it in the forum. Just want to know what everyone does on New Year's? Ask it in the forum. I think you get the point. The forum is where you ask your questions and Taylor along with anyone else who's subscribed to the site can answer it. The questions are listed in thread format so it's easy to see all the responses in one place.
Clean Eating Help - While I was working to lose my baby weight, I learned that 75% of weight loss is your diet. Not being on a diet, but your diet, what you eat normally everyday. Yes, you can go on a diet but that won't last. Soon you'll either get frustrated and quit or you lose the weight, go off the diet and gain it back. So what's a girl to do? Change the way she eats - FOREVER! That's what clean eating is about. Cutting out processed foods, "white" foods and sugary foods and drinks. Learning to eat healthy daily. In the clean eating help section, there are loads of recipes categorized by meal. I have tried several of these and they are very good, full of protein and very filling. I can't say that I'm a 100% clean eater, but I'm up to about 60-70% "clean" now - baby steps. (After writing this, I had a chicken sandwich and fries at Burger King - oops.)
Fitness Challenges - Currently, as I said in my New Years post, I'm participating in an 8-week fitness challenge put forth by Taylor. I have to record my weightlifting and cardio workouts on the site daily as well as keep a daily log of what I eat. If I can keep this up for 8 weeks and take the suggestions that Taylor leaves for me, I can win a $50 gift card!
Teleseminars - This is something new that Taylor is starting. She's going to start having a teleseminar once a week on a variety of different topics related to fitness or clean eating.
Member Profile Pages - Each member of the site gets a profile page similar to a profile page on Facebook. You can "friend" other members, write on each others pages and keep a mini blog on your page (that's where I record my daily food and exercise for the challenge). It's a great way to encourage each other, get food ideas and meet people with similar health desires as you.
In my opinion, that's a lot of stuff to get when you join the site. So how much do you think this costs?
$50/month? $100?
Nope. It's just $9.95 a month!
I personally think that's a great price. The gym I go to currently charge $60 for a one hour session with a personal trainer and I think that's a fairly low price compared to others I've seen. So, for me to see a trainer there once a week for a month is $240. I can get 2 years worth of personal training on The Art of Weightlifting for that price!! I, personally, think this is a great value.
So, how did I find out about this site and get started? I started by finding Taylor's blog, Lifting Revolution. Then after reading it for a while, I tried out the 7 day free trial on the site. I loved it and decided to take the plunge and sign up.
That's my take on it. What about you? Do you have a personal trainer? Do you have fitness and/or diet goals you'd like to meet? Interested in the 7-day trial? There's no time like the present to start.
I received no compensation for writing this. I just really like this site and wanted to share my new-found treasure with you.

Love the review! I will pretend I didn't see that burger and fries though (JK). It's women like you that make me so excited and fueled to make the Art of Weight Lifting the best it can be!